Research Review: Effects of Muscle Fatigue on 3-Dimensional Scapular Kinematics
By Nicholas Rolnick SPT, MS, CSCS
Edited by Brent Brookbush DPT, PT, COMT, MS, PES, CES, CSCS, ACSM H/FS
Original Citation:
Tsai NT, McClure PW, Karduna AR. (2003). Effects of muscle fatigue on 3-Dimensional scapular kinematics. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 84: 1000-1005. ABSTRACT

Muscles of the Scapula
Why is this relevant?: Shoulder motion is controlled by passive soft tissue support and active muscular contraction. A change in either passive or active support can alter normal motion leading to pathologies including impingement, rotator cuff tears, and instability secondary to poor scapular positioning. Optimal scapular positioning is believed to be necessary for maintenance of ideal length-tension relationships of the muscles surrounding the shoulder, force production, and assisting with glenohumeral joint stability (1 -2 ). Normal scapular motion consists of progressive upward rotation, external rotation, and posterior tipping with increases in humeral elevation(flexion, scaption and/or abduction) (1 ). Muscle fatigue has been shown to alter scapular kinematics in a shoulder elevation task (3). Infraspinatus and teres minor are considered the primary external rotators of the glenohumeral joint and have been described as having additional roles including abduction and production of force couples contributing to dynamic stability of the glenohumeral joint (2 ,4). The authors hypothesized that deficiency in these two muscles with a fatiguing protocol would result in sub-optimal scapular positioning and that the level of change would be linearly correlated with the level of muscle fatigue induced.
Study Summary
Study Design | Single group, pretest-posttest measurement |
Level of Evidence | Level 4: Observational studies without controls |
Subject Demographics |
Outcome Measures |
Results |
Conclusions |
Conclusions of the Researchers |

The different rotations measured in the current study. To the left is internal and external rotation, the middle is downward/upward rotation, and the right is anterior/posterior tipping.
Review & Commentary:
The importance of the rotator cuff (in particular, infraspinatus and teres minor ) in providing dynamic glenohumeral joint stability has been shown in previous studies (2 ). However, the influence of fatiguing the external rotators and its effect on scapular kinematics had yet to be investigated. The current study utilized a fatiguing protocol and kinematic software to investigate whether fatiguing the external rotators had an influence on resting and dynamic scapular positioning. The results indicate that external rotator fatigue induces suboptimal resting and dynamic scapular positioning especially in the beginning stages of arm elevation. This suboptimal positioning is thought to lead to maladaptive and compensatory strategies to better align the humeral head within the glenoid cavity that may increase the risk of impingement, rotator cuff tears, and/or tendinopathies. Of particular significance was the observation that posterior tipping was the only rotation significantly correlated (0.6 at the beginning of elevation to 0.39 at 120° of elevation) to external rotator fatigue. Previous studies have shown that the moment arm for infraspinatus and teres minor are largest during the initial phase of shoulder elevation, which may explain why the majority of changes were observed during the first 90° of elevation (5).
The current study exhibited a strong methodology by providing a clear protocol with a rationale as to how to best quantify fatigue. First, the authors conducted a pilot study with an additional 15 age-matched subjects to determine the relationship between isometric force production and muscle fatigue. The protocol investigated the muscle fatigue patterns of six shoulder muscles, including the infraspinatus during maximal isometric abduction at 90° of humeral elevation in the scapular plane. Torque productions in abduction and external rotation was obtained for each of the six shoulder muscles after the fatiguing protocol. The authors defined mean power frequency loss of greater than 8% as muscle fatigue. Only the infraspinatus showed decreases in maximal external rotation torque as measured by a mean power frequency of greater than 8%. The fatiguing protocol was implemented into the current study as providing an adequate stimulus to induce fatigue in the desired muscles (the external rotators), allowing the authors to test their hypothesis. Second, the set-up for assessment of kinematic data used similar landmarks to other studies allowing the scapular rotations to be more adequately compared to different conditions (1 ). Finally, the authors conducted a reliability study using the data and determined that their assessments were reproducible (0.9 or greater ICC, or excellent reproducibility) giving their results on scapular kinematics credence. This is especially important since the angles measured are small (< 5°), so errors in measurement need to be smaller than that (in this case, the standard error of measurement was 1-2.6°).
Some limitations exist within the current study that should be noted before applying the results to clinical practice. First and foremost, although the authors obtained statistically significant results from their kinematic assessments, the angles were small and there is a chance that the values obtained are not indicative of true scapular kinematic dysfunction and merely an artifact of the testing protocol and recording software. Second, while the fatiguing protocol showed the infraspinatus as the muscle primarily fatigued during external rotation, other muscles not measured such as the supraspinatus or lower trapezius could have been similarly fatigued and influenced the results. Last, the subjects investigated were healthy and free of shoulder pathology. It is not known whether a similar pattern would appear in those exhibiting shoulder pain and pathology.
Why is this study important?
The current study adds to the growing body of literature on factors that influence scapular kinematics. Previous studies have shown that posture, pain, and scapulothoracic fatigue influence the movement of the scapula in dynamic tasks (1 ,3,6). The current study suggests that scapulohumeral muscle fatigue, in particular the external rotators (infraspinatus and teres minor ) will also influence scapular kinematics. Further, kinematic changes occur early and mostly before 90° of elevation in all circumstances with the scapula exhibiting less posterior tipping, external rotation, and upward rotation, predisposing the glenohumeral joint to shoulder pathologies.
How does it affect practice?
Human movement professionals should be aware of where they place external rotator activation in their exercise regimens and pay close attention to the total number of sets they recommend. The current study suggests that fatiguing the external rotators results in scapular changes commonly associated with shoulder and neck pain and faulty posture. (Note: it took 4 sets to induce fatigue, more than the 1-2 recommended sets during a corrective or rehabilitation program) Therefore, if strengthening of the rotator cuff is desired, either use activation drills with lower volume to induce minimal fatigue in the beginning of an exercise session (1 - 2 sets), or perform the exercises at the end of the session.
How does it relate to Brookbush Institute Content?
Whether correcting movement impairments or optimizing motion prior to performance enhancement training, the Brookbush Institute aims to restore and/or maintain optimal length-tension relationships and joint motion. In those exhibiting Upper Body Dysfunction (UBD) , the infraspinatus and teres minor are commonly long and under-active. Releasing overactive synergists (posterior deltoid ) along with release and lengthening of short/over-active antagonists (pectoralis major and subscapularis ) and mobilization of stiff joints allows activation drills of the under-active targeted muscles (infraspinatus and teres minor ) to be more effective. The Brookbush Institute advises that activation drills for the external rotators be completed prior to other commonly under-active muscles (serratus anterior and lower trapezius ) in UBD . In congruence with the findings of this study, activation exercises are to be performed for 1-2 sets and only 12 - 20 repititions. The videos below demonstrate activation drills for the external rotators and may be implemented before strength training.
Brookbush Institute Videos
Chest Out/Thumbs Out and Unilateral External Rotation:
External Rotation Progression at 90° of Flexion with Scapular Stabilization
Shoulder External Rotator Reactive Activation: Body Blade Reactive Activation
Trapezius and Shoulder External Rotator Reactive Activation:
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© 2016 Brent Brookbush
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