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A prone T exercise targeting an underactive middle and lower trapezius

Trapezius Exercises (Activation)

Trapezius exercises for improving movement dysfunction, posture, shoulder pain, neck pain, forward head, scapulothoracic pain, and sports performance. Great scaption, cobra, ITY variations and progressions.


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Course Description: Trapezius Exercises (Activation)

This course describes trapezius exercises, commonly referred to as lower trapezius activation (a.k.a. lower traps activation, lower traps strengthening, lower traps exercises, etc.). Performing a combination of upward rotation, retraction, posterior tipping, and depression of the scapula, may improve recruitment (isolation) of this important muscle, additionally, this combination of joint actions reduces muscle activity and muscle imbalance resulting from synergistic dominance of the pectoralis minor and levator scapulae. Note, this course also includes suggestions that may imply shrugs and upright rows are not the best exercises for trap workouts, especially if reducing neck muscle soreness and good posture are goals.

It is common to include these exercises in a program designed to address scapula dyskinesis; however, these exercises may also be recommended to reduce shoulder dysfunction and forward head posture. Addressing these issues has been correlated with improving and reducing the risk of pain and dysfunction of the neck (cervical spine), mid-back (thoracic spine), shoulder (shoulder impingement syndrome), treating acute injury (muscle strain), and improving sports performance. Movement professionals (personal trainers, physical therapists, athletic trainers, massage therapists, chiropractors, occupational therapists, etc.) should consider adding these exercises to their repertoire with the intent of improving patient/client outcomes from their integrated exercise programs and therapeutic (rehabilitation) interventions.

Isolated Muscle Activation Exercises:

Reactive Muscle Activation Exercises

Subsystem Integration Exercises

Last, it is important to integrate the increase in trapezius activity into functional exercise. The Brookbush Institute accomplishes this with intrinsic stabilization subsystem, anterior oblique subsystem, and posterior oblique subsystem integration. Some example movements for these purposes include:

A prone T exercise targeting an underactive middle and lower trapezius
Caption: A prone T exercise targeting an underactive middle and lower trapezius

Study Guide: Trapezius Exercises (Activation)

Introduction to Trapezius Exercises
1 Sub Section

Overactive Synergists

Optimizing Motion (Best Practice)

Research on Trapezius Muscle Exercises

Best Exercises for Trapezius Isolated Activations
4 Sub Sections

Integrated Stabilization
3 Sub Sections

Reactive Activation
1 Sub Section

Lower Trapezius Facilitation Taping

Sample Activation Circuit: Trapezius Exercises


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