Research Review: Rounded Shoulder Posture without Excessive Thoracic Kyphosis and Shoulder Pain and its Influence on Scapular Kinematics and Muscle Activity
By Nicholas Rolnick SPT, MS, CSCS
Edited by Brent Brookbush DPT, PT, COMT, MS, PES, CES, CSCS, ACSM H/FS
Original Citation: Thigpen CA, Padua DA, Michener LA, Guskiewicz K, Giuliani C, Keener JD, Stergiou N. (2010). Head and shoulder posture affect scapular mechanics and muscle activity in overhead tasks. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology. 20: 701-709. ABSTRACT
Why is this relevant?: Rounded shoulder posture (RSP) is a postural dysfunction frequently encountered in clinical and performance settings; associated with forward head, shoulder pain, excessive thoracic kyphosis (ETK), and altered scapular kinematics (1-2). However, since RSP commonly presents with ETK and shoulder pain, it is unclear whether scapular mechanics are affected in individuals without ETK and shoulder pain. This study investigated scapular kinematics and muscle activation patterns of the serratus anterior , and upper and lower trapezius in individuals with RSP, but without ETK or shoulder pain.

Study Summary
Study Design | Cross-sectional Case Control |
Level of Evidence | Level 3: Case Controlled Study |
Subject Demographics | Age and Gender: 18 - 60 years old in a University Setting
Inclusion Criteria:
Exclusion Criteria:
Outcome Measures | Scapular rotation angles during ascending and descending phases of each exercise (flexion and reaching tasks)
**120 degrees was used for flexion task, 110 degrees for reaching task** |
Results | Significant group affects for scapular internal rotation angle during both flexion ( p < 0.01) and reaching ( p < 0.01) tasks. FHRSP group exhibited greater scapular internal rotation angles than ideal posture group during both tasks.
Conclusions | Individuals with FHRSP exhibited greater scapular internal rotation and anterior tilting with decreased serratus anterior activity during the ascending phase of the flexion task when compared to ideal posture group. Individuals with FHRSP exhibited greater scapular internal rotation and less serratus anterior activity with the overhead reaching task when compared to ideal posture group. Individuals with FHRSP exhibited greater scapular upward rotation during the upper ranges of shoulder elevation when compared to ideal posture group. |
Conclusions of the Researchers | FHRSP influences shoulder kinematics independent of shoulder pain and excessive thoracic kyphosis in overhead tasks. |

In RSP, excessive static and dynamic anterior tilting and internal rotation of the scapula results in impaired kinematics during overhead movements.
Review & Commentary:
Rounded shoulder posture (RSP) is a postural dysfunction frequently encountered in clinical and performance settings; associated with forward head, shoulder pain, excessive thoracic kyphosis (ETK), and altered scapular kinematics (1-2). Previous research on RSP (that did not distinguish scapular mechanics from ETK and shoulder pain) has shown that the scapula rests in a position of excessive internal rotation and anterior tipping, and exhibits less upward rotation in dynamic activities when compared to individuals without RSP (2-4). Previous research on ETK, has shown that this postural change is correlated with increased internal rotation and anterior tipping of the scapula (independent of pectoralis minor adaptive shortening), shoulder pain, and may decreases upward rotation during dynamic tasks (2,5).
The authors created a standard for defining RSP; as this had not previously been standardized. They screened 310 individuals from a university population for ideal posture, forward head angle, and forward shoulder angle
- Ideal Posture - Head over shoulders and acromion in line with the trunk
- Foward Head Angle (FHA) - Measured from C7 to the ear
- Forward Shoulder Angle (FSA) - Measured from C7 to the acromion.
Individuals within the study were measured separately on three different days - each was asked to perform repeated neck motions and reaches overhead (in an effort to find neutral alignment), and then asked to stand in their resting posture before a picture was taken. The authors averaged the 3 data sets to determine mean FHA and FSA for each individual. Ideal posture was determined by creating groups based on FHA and FSA that were +/- 1 standard deviation away from the group mean. The authors used this new postural alignment criteria to compare healthy, pain-free individuals who had RSP without ETK, to those who exhibited their defined criteria of ideal posture in functional overhead activities.
The current study contributes to the body of evidence, by accounting for confounding variables (ETK and shoulder pain) that may have contributed to altered kinematics of the scapulothoracic complex (2, 4). The results of the study provide additional context for the role of RSP alone, on the kinematics of the scapulothoracic complex and its associated musculature. RSP in the absence of ETK and shoulder pain resulted in increased scapular internal rotation and anterior tilt and decreased axioscapular muscle activity (serratus anterior ), coinciding with previous research (3-4). The current study did show an increase in scapular upward rotation in individuals with RSP which is contrary to previous studies (3-4). The discrepancy can be explained by the authors controlling for ETK, as this has been shown to decrease scapular mobility (3). Interestingly, this investigation did not show changes in lower trapezius activity, despite a decrease noted in previous studies in populations exhibiting RSP (6).
Despite the strong methodology used in the study, the current study did have weaknesses that limit its application in a clinical setting. Although pain and ETK were purposefully excluded from the study, this may limit transfer of study outcomes to groups with shoulder pain or those with ETK. Further, since the study only measured to 120 degrees of humeral elevation, scapulothoracic movements above this elevation cannot be inferred, which may have accounted for why data on upward rotation of the scapula and lower trapezius activation did not coincide with previous research.
Why is this study important?
This study was the first to create an experimental methodology that quantifies ideal posture, and tested that methodology using a large sample of 310 individuals without shoulder pain and ETK. The study adds to the current body of literature, by adding to our understanding of Upper Body Dysfunction (UBD) and assessment, and confirms that rounded shoulder posture alone is enough to effect scapular kinematics.
How does it affect practice?
Research supports that shoulder pain, rounded shoulder posture (RSP), aberrant scapular kinematics, excessive thoracic kyphosis and forward head posture are related and may affect muscle strength and activity (1-2,4). Furthermore, interventions focusing on releasing and lengthening overactive synergists (pectoralis minor ) and activating and integrating under-active muscles (serratus anterior , lower trapezius , rotator cuff ) have been shown to be effective in restoring optimal alignment, scapular kinematics, and muscle strength (1,4,6). This study provides evidence that RSP alone may be enough to alter scapular motion and muscle activity during functional tasks. Further research is needed to determine if this may be predictive of further dysfunction and pain.
If optimizing motion is a rehab or training goal, the human movement professional should assess for postural faults and consider the potential impact on motion. Specifically, this study shows a correlation between rounded shoulders and excessive anterior tipping and internal rotation of the scapula, along with under-activity of the serratus anterior.
How does it relate to Brookbush Institute Content?
The Brookbush Institute’s predictive model of Upper Body Dysfunction (UBD) includes the altered scapulothoracic mechanics described in this study as well as under-activity of the serratus anterior . This model reasons further that all muscles, joints, fascia and potentially nerves of the scapulothoracic and glenohumeral joints may be affected. The Brookbush Institute’s approach to UBD involves releasing over-active muscles, mobilizing joints exhibiting arthrokinematic dysfunction, lengthening short structures, and activating and integrating long and under-active muscles to restore optimal motion. It is a tenant of the Brookbush Institute, that the “completeness” of an intervention (addressing all structures exhibiting maladaptive change) will contribute to the efficacy and carry-over of any intervention. This study is an important step toward evidence-based intervention for the correction of postural dysfunction and the resolution of symptoms, and supports the changes predicted in the UBD model , specifically the relationship between UBD and scapular dyskinesis. The videos below are a good starting point for addressing RSP and UBD with a focus on the structures mentioned in this review.
Brookbush Institute videos
Pectoralis Minor SA Release
Thoracic Spine Mobilization
Pectoralis Minor Manual Stretch
Serratus Anterior Isolated Activation
Serratus Anterior Activation Progressions
Lower Trapezius Isolated MMT
© 2016 Brent Brookbush
Questions, comments, and criticisms are welcomed and encouraged
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