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June 6, 2023

Why foam roll the thoracic spine?

Discover why foam rolling the thoracic spine is a crucial part of your fitness routine. Learn the benefits, techniques, and tips for a healthy spine.

Brent Brookbush

Brent Brookbush


Meg Trahan Asks:

Why do we foam roll the thoracic spine if the arms fall forward during an overhead squat assessment?

Brent Brookbush:

When the arms fall forward during an overhead squat assessment we know there is dysfunction in the upper-body. This often includes an excessive kyphosis (flexion) of the thoracic spine, and/or stiffness of the joints in the thoracic spine. Until the thoracic spine moves the way it should, the scapulae can't move the way they should. And, if the scapulae don't move well, then the shoulder is not going to move well. In essence, the thoracic spine is connected to the scapula bone, and the scapula bone is connected to the arm bone… you can sing that last sentence if you'd like.

Thoracic Spine SA Mobilization

