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Identifying dysfunction using the Overhead Squat Assessment with modified
2 CreditsCEC

Overhead Squat Assessment: Sign Clusters and Compensation Patterns

An explanation of common groupings of movement compensation signs ("clusters") in the overhead squat assessment (OHSA) and OHSA w/ modification. Solutions tables for lower leg, upper body, lumbopelvic hip complex, posterior pelvic tilt (posterior pelvis), and sacroiliac joint dysfunction (including asymmetrical weight shift). A breakdown of related joint actions and the overactive and underactive muscles.

Brent Brookbush

Brent Brookbush


Course Description: Overhead Squat Assessment: Sign Clusters and Compensation Patterns

Study Guide: Overhead Squat Assessment, Part 2: Signs Clusters and Compensation Patterns

Sign Clusters and Compensation Patterns

Overhead Squat Assessment Sign Cluster: Lower Extremity Dysfunction (LED)
2 Sub Sections

Overhead Squat Assessment Sign Cluster: Lumbo Pelvic Hip Complex Dsyfunction (LPHCD)
2 Sub Sections

Overhead Squat Assessment Sign Cluster: Upper Body Dysfunction (UBD)
2 Sub Sections

Overhead Squat Assessment Sign Cluster: Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction (SIJD)
2 Sub Sections

Overhead Squat Assessment Sign Cluster: Asymmetrical Weight Shift (AWS)
2 Sub Sections

Deciding Which Dysfunction to Address
1 Sub Section


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