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Anterior - Glossary Term Illustration

Glossary Term


Anterior is an anatomical direction that refers to the front of the body. For example, the face is on the anterior aspect of the head. Synonyms for anterior include front, rostral, or ventral. The opposite of anterior is "posterior."


Anterior: An anatomical direction that refers to structures on the front of the body. For example, the face is on the anterior aspect of the head.

The opposite of anterior:

For more information on the anatomical directions, check out

Here is a list of muscles with the word "anterior" included in their name:

  • Anterior Deltoid : The portion of the deltoid on the front of the shoulder.
  • Tibialis Anterior : Of the two tibialis muscles, this muscle is on the back side of the tibia.
  • Anterior Scalene: Of the three scalene muscles, this muscle is in front of the other two.
  • Serratus Anterior : Unlike the serratus posterior, which originates on the back of the ribcage, the serratus anterior originates from the anterior and lateral portions of the ribcage.
  • Rectus Capitis Anterior : This muscle is one of the deep cervical (neck flexors), and has a more posterior counterpart.


