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Glossary Term

Center Of Mass

The center of mass is an object's mean position of mass; that is, a point that is perfectly surrounded by an equal amount of mass in all directions. The center of gravity (CoG) is the point where gravity appears to act. Since the human body is so small compared to the Earth, we can assume gravity acts uniformly on the body, and that CoG and CoM are the same. For example, the CoM of the human body while lying down or standing straight up is close to our navel. However, it is possible that during a resistance exercise, the combination of the body's weight and the weight of the resistance will place the combined CoM outside the body. For example, during the mid-portion of a back squat, the CoM would be anterior to the naval.

Center of mass (CoM): an object's mean position of mass; that is, a point that is perfectly surrounded by an equal amount mass in all directions.

Center of gravity (CoG): thepoint where gravity appears to act. Since the human body is so small compared to the earth, we can assume gravity acts uniformly on the body, and that CoG and CoM are the same.

  • Example, the CoM of the human body while lying down or standing straight up is close to our navel. However, it is possible that during exercise, the combination of the body's weight and the weight of external resistance will result in a CoM "outside" of the body. For example, during the middle of the range of motion during a back loaded squat , the CoM would be anterior to the naval.

