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Horizontal Adduction - Glossary Term Illustration

Glossary Term

Horizontal Adduction

Horizontal Adduction (a.k.a. Horizontal Flexion): A transverse plane joint action that results in movement toward the midline of the body.

Horizontal Adduction

Horizontal Adduction (a.k.a. Horizontal Flexion): A transverse plane joint action that results in movement toward the midline of the body.

For more (including a video lecture), check out:

Joints that Perform Horizontal Adduction (and Sample Exercises):

  1. Shoulder joint (Glenohumeral joint):  Horizontal adduction (horizontal extension) occurs when the humerus moves toward the midline of the body in the transverse plane, as observed during chest exercises like push-ups, bench press , and dumbbell press .
  2. Hip joint : Horizontal adduction occurs when the femur moves toward the midline of the body in the transverse/horizontal plane, as observed during a seated adductor (inner thigh) machine.


