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Myofascial Slings - Glossary Term Illustration

Myofascial Slings

Myofascial Sling: A functional network of muscles, fascia, and connective tissues that together transmit force, stabilize joints, and coordinate multi-joint movements.

Myofascial Slings

Myofascial Sling: A functional network of muscles, fascia, and connective tissues that together transmit force, stabilize joints, and coordinate multi-joint movements. Myofascial slings enhance coordination and efficiency during dynamic activities by linking distant body segments, often spanning multiple joints. Examples include the anterior oblique sling and posterior oblique sling, which contribute to rotational and gait mechanics.

Core Subsystem (Myofascial Sling) Courses:

Research Review Article:


  • Core subsystems
  • Fascial Sling
  • Myofascial meridian
  • Functional Line
  • Myofascial Chain
  • Kinetic Chain
  • Fascial Line
  • Anatomical Train
  • Movement Sling
  • Myofascial Line
  • Integrated Sling System
  • Neuromyofascial Network
  • Sling System
  • Tensional Network

Key Figures in the Development of Myofascial Sling and Subsystem Concepts

Frederick Matthias Alexander and Ida Rolf (mid-20th century):

  • Alexander and Rolf explored fascia's role in posture, alignment, and body mechanics, indirectly setting the stage for sling theories.

Vladimir Janda (1970s-1990s):

  • Janda's work on muscle imbalances and functional stability laid foundational ideas about global and local muscle systems, which overlap with modern myofascial sling concepts. Although not using the term "myofascial slings," Janda's emphasis on the coordinated function of muscle groups in posture and movement was pivotal.

Thomas Myers (2001):

  • He is often credited with popularizing the idea of interconnected fascial networks through his seminal work, Anatomy Trains. Myers introduced the concept of myofascial "meridians," which provided a functional map of the body's fascial connections and inspired an exponential increase in research and innovative techniques.

Andry Vleeming (1990s-2000s):

  • Vleeming's research on the thoracolumbar fascia and its role in load transfer and stabilization contributed to our understanding of myofascial slings. He introduced the concepts of the posterior oblique subsystem, anterior oblique subsystem, and deep longitudinal subsystem in a paper "Vleeming, A., Pool-Goudzwaard, A. L., Stoeckart, R., van Wingerden, J. P., & Snijders, C. J. (1995). The posterior layer of the thoracolumbar fascia. Spine, 20(7), 753-758.", and then in his seminal work, "Mooney, V., Stoeckart, R., & Vleeming, A. (Eds.). (2007). Movement, Stability & Lumbopelvic Pain: Integration of Research and Therapy. Churchill Livingstone Elsevier."

Robert Schleip (2000s-present):

  • Schleip's research has provided insights into the biomechanical properties of fascia, such as its elasticity, proprioceptive function, and its contribution to coordinated movement. The findings of this research have created the foundation for most modern concepts regarding fascia, its integrated function, and how fascia should influence practice.

Brent Brookbush (2015 - present)

  • Brookbush highlights the importance of scientific rigor in applying myofascial sling concepts, addressing potential misconceptions, and ensuring that practitioners use validated approaches. As the founder of the Brookbush Institute, Brent Brookbush has played a key role in disseminating knowledge about myofascial slings in accessible, practical, and evidence-based courses. His work has also advanced the practical application and integration of myofascial sling concepts into assessments and interventions, particularly for professionals in physical therapy, fitness, and sports performance.


