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Glossary Term

Circuit Training

Circuit training or vertical loading is when the first set of each exercise is performed sequentially, and then the next set of each exercise is performed, repeat. The advantage is the long rest between sets is used to address other exercises, and/or different muscle groups. Session time is reduced, but each muscle group is still allowed an ideal amount of rest between sets (or more, which does not negatively impact performance).

Circuit Training (a.k.a. vertical loading): When the first set of each exercise is performed sequentially, and then the next set of each exercise is performed. This type of programming is an alternative to conventional "horizontal loading" programs.

  • Advantage: During circuit training, the long rest (2 - 3 minutes) between sets required for optimal set performance is used to address other exercises or muscle groups. This may reduce session time by 35-60% while still allowing an ideal amount of rest between sets for the same exercise or muscle group.
  • Example: Bench press, seated row, leg press, rest, bench press, seated row, leg press, rest (repeat).




  1. Circuits
  2. Vertical loading
  3. Giant sets
  4. Exercise in-circuit
  5. Exercise in sequence