Acute Variables: Rest Between Sets
How long should you rest between sets to optimize set performance and maximally improve strength, hypertrophy, and power?
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Course Description: Rest Between Sets
- Long (3 min) rest between set durations
- 2 sets/exercise: Moderate (2 min)
- 3 sets/exercise: Long (3 min)
- 4 or more sets/exercise: Long (3 min) or very long (> 3 min)
- Alternative: Circuit training with short (1 min) rest between exercises
- Additional Strategy for Power: Inter-set rest of 10 - 20 seconds (sec)
Inter-set Rest Periods (Rest Between Reps): Inter-set rest periods of up to 20 seconds may be beneficial for maintaining average and peak velocity/rep during the second half of sets. This strategy may be particularly beneficial for optimizing power (high-velocity) training.
- Inter-set Rest Period Example:
- Set 1: Box Jumps 5 reps, 10-sec rest, 5 reps
- 3 min rest between sets
- Set 2: Box Jumps 5 reps, 12-sec rest, 5 reps
- 3 min rest between sets
- Repeat for the desired number of sets
Course Summary:
This course discusses optimal rest between sets (a.k.a. rest period, rest interval, rest time, inter-set rest interval, rest between exercises), as well as strategies including rest between reps (a.k.a. intra-set rest, cluster sets, rest redistribution). This course details the evidence-based optimal rest between reps recommendations for muscle endurance, muscle hypertrophy (muscle growth), strength training, power, athletic performance, functional training, and corrective exercise. The topics discussed in this course include the effects of rest periods on muscle adaptations, short-term and long-term hormone concentrations, post-exercise protein synthesis, muscle growth, muscle fiber type proportions, EMG activity, fatigue, rate of force development, muscle strength, and power performance.
Some findings from the included systematic review resulted in counter-intuitive, or at least less than conventional recommendations. For example, the most important finding from our systematic review is that recommendations for rest between set durations should be based on sets/exercise (volume), and not load or training goal. General recommendations include moderate (2 min) rest between sets if performing 2 sets/exercise, long rest (3 min) if performing 3 sets/exercise, and very long rest (> 4 min) if performing 4 sets or more/exercise. Additionally, based on all performance measures, circuit training with 30-60 seconds between exercises is as effective as conventional training but may decrease session lengths by 40-60%, especially when longer rest between sets of the same exercise is adopted.
Movement professionals (personal trainers, fitness instructors, physical therapists, athletic trainers, massage therapists, chiropractors, occupational therapists, etc.) should consider acute variables essential knowledge for optimal exercise programming, and rest between sets is one of those acute variables. This course is part of our continued effort to optimize “acute variable” recommendations.
Pre-approved Credits for:
Pre-approved for Continuing Education Credits for:
- Athletic Trainers
- Chiropractors
- Group Exercise Instructors
- Occupational Therapists - Intermediate
- Personal Trainers
- Physical Therapists
- Physical Therapy Assistants
- Physiotherapists
This course includes:
- AI Tutor
- Course Summary Webinar
- Study Guide
- Text and Illustrations
- Audio Voice-over
- Research Review
- Technique Videos
- Case Study and Sample Routine
- Practice Exam
- Pre-approved 3 Credit Final Exam
Additional Acute Variables Courses:
- Acute Variables: Repetition Tempo
- Acute Variables: Repetition Range
- Acute Variables: Set Strategies
- Acute Variables: Circuit Training
- Acute Variables: Sets per Muscle Group
- Acute Variables: Training Frequency and Recovery Between Sessions
- Acute Variables: Training Load (Weight and Resistance)

Course Study Guide: Acute Variables: Rest Between Sets
Course Summary Webinar: Rest Between Sets
Research Summary
Systematic Review: Hormones, Immune Response and Metabolism8 Sub Sections
Electromyographic Activity and Cardiovascular Changes2 Sub Sections
Hypertrophy, Strength and Power4 Sub Sections
Volume5 Sub Sections
Variable Rest3 Sub Sections
Inter-set Rest (a.k.a. Cluster Sets, Rest Redistribution, or Rest Between Reps)4 Sub Sections
Circuit Training3 Sub Sections
Sample Routine: Advanced Maximal Strength Training
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