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and Physiology Discover the wonders of the human body with our collection of articles on anatomy and physiology. From organs to the musculoskeletal system, explore the systems that make us who we are.

Introduction to Functional Anatomy
Kinesiology of the Ankle

Kinesiology of the Ankle

An analysis of the functional roles of muscles for each joint action of the ankle.

Kinesiology of the Elbow

Kinesiology of the Elbow

An analysis of the functional roles of muscles for the joint actions of the elbow.

Kinesiology of the Hip

Kinesiology of the Hip

An analysis of the functional roles of muscles for each joint action of the hip.

Kinesiology of the Knee

Kinesiology of the Knee

An analysis of the functional roles of muscles for each joint action of the knee.

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Muscular Anatomy
Articularis genu

Articularis genu

Discover the role of the Articularis genu muscle in knee movement and learn exercises to strengthen this small yet important muscle in your lower body.

Deep Rotators of the Hip

Deep Rotators of the Hip

Discover the importance of the deep rotators of the hip and how to strengthen these muscles for improved stability and mobility. Learn more in this informative article.

Fibularis Muscles (a.k.a. the Peroneals)

Fibularis Muscles (a.k.a. the Peroneals)

Discover the importance of the fibularis muscles (or peroneals) in maintaining balance and stability. Learn exercises to strengthen them to prevent injuries.

Gastrocnemius and Plantaris

Gastrocnemius and Plantaris

Learn about the gastrocnemius and plantaris muscles, their functions, and how to keep them healthy to prevent injuries. Read on for more insights!

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