Research Corner
Discover the latest research trends and insights in our Research Corner. Find articles on a range of topics from science to social sciences and more.

Alterations in Hip Muscle Function Following Severe Ankle Sprain
Learn about the impact of severe ankle sprains on hip muscle function. Discover how to prevent further injuries and improve muscle performance in this informative article.

Ankle Arthokinematics Do Not Normalize with Improved Dorsiflexion Active Range of Motion Following Acute Ankle Sprain
Learn why improved ankle dorsiflexion range of motion isn't enough to get the ankle back to normal, post-sprain. Discover the importance of ankle arthokinematics.

Can orthotic insoles prevent lower limb overuse injuries?
Find out if orthotic insoles can protect your lower limbs from overuse injuries. Read the latest research and expert insights in this comprehensive article.

Effect of Foot Orthoses on Tibialis Posterior Activation in Persons with Pes Planus
Discover how foot orthoses impact tibialis posterior activation in individuals with pes planus. Read our informative article for an in-depth analysis and insights!

Abdominal Bracing Increases Ground Reaction Forces During Landing
Learn how abdominal bracing can enhance ground reaction forces in the landing phase! Discover how this technique can boost your athletic performance.

Altered Movement Strategies during Triple Hop Test in Women With and Without Patellofemoral Pain
Discover how women with and without patellofemoral pain exhibit different movement strategies during the triple hop test in this informative article.

Comparison of Hip and Knee Strength and Neuromuscular Activity in Participants With and Without Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
Discover the differences in hip and knee strength and neuromuscular activity in individuals with and without patellofemoral pain syndrome, and how it may impact their exercise routines and overall mobility.

Correlation between Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS) and Hamstring Over-activity
Discover the potential relationship between Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS) and Hamstring Over-activity. Learn how to identify and treat these common conditions in order to improve knee function.

Abdominal Bracing Increases Ground Reaction Forces During Landing
Learn how abdominal bracing can enhance ground reaction forces in the landing phase! Discover how this technique can boost your athletic performance.

Altered Movement Strategies during Triple Hop Test in Women With and Without Patellofemoral Pain
Discover how women with and without patellofemoral pain exhibit different movement strategies during the triple hop test in this informative article.

Anatomy of the Hip Capsule and Muscular Attachments
Discover the intricate anatomy of the hip capsule and its various muscular attachments in this informative article. Gain a better understanding of the mechanics of the hip joint and its role in movement.

Comparing Gluteus Medius and Gluteus Maximus Exercises
Discover the differences between exercises that target the gluteus medius and maximus muscles. Learn which workouts are best for building strength and size in each muscle group.

Activation of Shoulder Musculature During Upper Extremity Weight Bearing Exercises
Discover how your shoulder muscles activate during weight-bearing exercises. Improve your upper extremity strength and overall fitness with these insights.

Alterations in Scapular Kinematics with Distal Radius Fracture
"Learn how a distal radius fracture can affect scapular kinematics and cause discomfort in the shoulder. Explore treatment options and prevention tips in this informative article."

Altered Neuromuscular Activity of the Serratus Anterior in Individuals with Neck Pain
Discover the link between neck pain and the serratus anterior muscle activity in this informative article. Find out more about altered neuromuscular activity and its potential effects on your physical health.

Altered Scapular Kinematics and Muscle Recruitment in Overhead Workers with Impingement Syndrome
Learn about the altered scapular kinematics & muscle recruitment in overhead workers with impingement syndrome. Understand how this affects shoulder function.

Abdominal Bracing Provides Greater Lumbar Stability Than Hollowing
"Discover how abdominal bracing can effectively increase lumbar stability compared to hollowing. Learn the benefits and techniques in this informative article."

Alterations of Diaphragm Behavior in Individuals with Sacroiliac Joint Pain
Discover how alterations in diaphragm behavior occur in individuals suffering from sacroiliac joint pain, and how this affects their overall breathing pattern and posture.

Altered Movement Strategies during Triple Hop Test in Women With and Without Patellofemoral Pain
Discover how women with and without patellofemoral pain exhibit different movement strategies during the triple hop test in this informative article.

Arm Weights and Increased Cadence Improve Activation of Posterior Oblique Subsystem
Learn how arm weights and increased cadence can enhance activation of the posterior oblique subsystem and improve your overall athletic performance.

Altered Neuromuscular Activity of the Serratus Anterior in Individuals with Neck Pain
Discover the link between neck pain and the serratus anterior muscle activity in this informative article. Find out more about altered neuromuscular activity and its potential effects on your physical health.

Cervical Flexion Training Improves Amplitude and Activation Timing of Deep Cervical Flexors
This article explores how cervical flexion training enhances the strength and activation timing of deep cervical flexors, aiding in the treatment of neck pain and injury.

Cervical Mobilizations Improve Deep Cervical Flexor Activity in Individuals With Chronic Neck Pain
Discover how cervical mobilizations can alleviate chronic neck pain by increasing deep cervical flexor activity. Read our latest article for more information.

Cervicogenic Headaches - Research Review and Integrated Treatment Approach
Learn about the latest research on cervicogenic headaches and discover an integrated treatment approach for effective relief. Find out more now.

Abdominal Bracing Increases Ground Reaction Forces During Landing
Learn how abdominal bracing can enhance ground reaction forces in the landing phase! Discover how this technique can boost your athletic performance.

Abdominal Bracing Provides Greater Lumbar Stability Than Hollowing
"Discover how abdominal bracing can effectively increase lumbar stability compared to hollowing. Learn the benefits and techniques in this informative article."

Activation of Shoulder Musculature During Upper Extremity Weight Bearing Exercises
Discover how your shoulder muscles activate during weight-bearing exercises. Improve your upper extremity strength and overall fitness with these insights.

Cervical Flexion Training Improves Amplitude and Activation Timing of Deep Cervical Flexors
This article explores how cervical flexion training enhances the strength and activation timing of deep cervical flexors, aiding in the treatment of neck pain and injury.

Alterations in Scapular Kinematics with Distal Radius Fracture
"Learn how a distal radius fracture can affect scapular kinematics and cause discomfort in the shoulder. Explore treatment options and prevention tips in this informative article."

Altered Movement Strategies during Triple Hop Test in Women With and Without Patellofemoral Pain
Discover how women with and without patellofemoral pain exhibit different movement strategies during the triple hop test in this informative article.

Altered Neuromuscular Activity of the Serratus Anterior in Individuals with Neck Pain
Discover the link between neck pain and the serratus anterior muscle activity in this informative article. Find out more about altered neuromuscular activity and its potential effects on your physical health.

Altered trapezius recruitment pattern in individuals with subacromial impingement
Read about the altered trapezius recruitment pattern in patients with subacromial impingement, and understand how it can lead to shoulder pain and dysfunction.

Association Between Double-Leg Squat and Single-Leg Squat Performance and Injury Incidence Among Incoming NCAA Division I Athletes: A Prospective Cohort Study
This prospective cohort study examines the association between double-leg squat and single-leg squat performance and injury incidence among incoming NCAA Division I athletes. Discover the results and implications for injury prevention.

Core Stability Measures as Risk Factors for Lower Extremity Injury in Athletes
Discover the critical role of core stability in reducing the risk of lower extremity injuries among athletes. Learn valuable measures to improve your core stability in this comprehensive article.

Incidence of Common Postural Abnormalities in the Cervical, Shoulder, and Thoracic Regions and Their Association with Pain in Two Age Groups of Healthy Subjects
This article examines the prevalence of postural abnormalities in the neck, shoulders, and upper back, and their correlation with pain in healthy subjects. Findings revealed higher incidence and correlation in older age group.

Roentgenographic Findings in the Cervical Spine in Asymptomatic Persons
Learn about the findings of cervical spine x-rays in people who have no symptoms. This article examines the prevalence of abnormalities and what they can mean.

Low Prevalence of Genu Varum and Valgum Among Elementary School Children
Discover the findings of a groundbreaking study on the prevalence of genu varum and valgum among elementary school children. Learn why low numbers may indicate a shift in lifestyle habits.

Prevalence of Acetabular Retroversion in Hip Disorders
Learn about the prevalence, diagnosis, and management of acetabular retroversion in hip disorders. Explore the challenges and advances in treatment options.

Activation of Forearm Muscles for Wrist Extension in Patients Affected by Lateral Epicondylitis
Learn how to activate your forearm muscles to relieve pain from lateral epicondylitis. Our guide shows how wrist extension exercises can help.

The Comparative Effects of Eccentric Muscle Contractions in the Treatment of Lateral Elbow Tendinopathy
Looking for a new approach to treating lateral elbow tendinopathy? Learn about the comparative effects of eccentric muscle contractions in this informative study.

Effects of Foam Rolling on Subjective Post Workout Muscle Fatigue
Discover how foam rolling can help reduce post-workout muscle fatigue and soreness. Learn about the benefits and techniques for optimal results.

Evidence of Altered Reciprocal Inhibition associated with Latent Myofascial Trigger Points
Discover the latest findings on altered reciprocal inhibition and latent myofascial trigger points in this informative article. Learn about the evidence and its implications for treatment.

Foam Rolling May Aid in the Prevention of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness
Find out how foam rolling can help alleviate muscle soreness after working out. Learn about the benefits and best practices for incorporating foam rolling into your post-workout routine.

Foam Rolling May Reduce Post Exercise Soreness
Foam rolling has been shown to have significant benefits for reducing post-exercise soreness. Learn more about the benefits of this practice.

Kinesiology Tape Application to the Upper Trapezius Reduces Pain, Trigger Point Irritability and Increases Muscle Strength
Discover how applying kinesiology tape to the upper trapezius can alleviate pain, reduce trigger point irritability and boost muscle strength. Learn more here.

The Effect of Kinesiology Tape on Subacromial Impingement Syndrome
Discover how kinesiology tape can help alleviate subacromial impingement syndrome pain and improve range of motion. Learn about the science behind this effective technique.

Gender Differences During an Overhead Squat Assessment
Discover the surprising gender differences in an overhead squat assessment. Learn about common mistakes and how to overcome them to achieve optimal fitness and function.

Acute and Long-term Responses to Different Inter-set Rest Periods in Low-load Resistance Training
Discover the effects of different inter-set rest periods during low-load resistance training. Learn about acute and long-term responses to optimize your workouts.

Effect of Back Squat Depth on Lower Body Post-activation Potentiation
Discover how the depth of your back squat can impact your lower body post-activation potentiation. Read on to learn about the results of this fascinating study.

Effect of Different Inter-set Rest Intervals on Muscle Performance During Leg Press Exercise in Trained Older Women
Discover how inter-set rest intervals impact muscle performance in trained older women during leg press exercise. Read on to find out the study's findings.

Effect of Rest Interval Length Between Sets on Total Load Lifted and Blood Lactate Response During Total-Body Resistance Exercise Session
Discover how the duration of rest intervals between sets can impact your workout results and blood lactate levels. Read our study on total-body resistance exercise.

Anatomy of the Hip Capsule and Muscular Attachments
Discover the intricate anatomy of the hip capsule and its various muscular attachments in this informative article. Gain a better understanding of the mechanics of the hip joint and its role in movement.

Arm Weights and Increased Cadence Improve Activation of Posterior Oblique Subsystem
Learn how arm weights and increased cadence can enhance activation of the posterior oblique subsystem and improve your overall athletic performance.

Comparing Upper and Lower Serratus Anterior Activation in Different Manual Muscle Testing Positions
Explore upper vs. lower serratus anterior activation in different positions. Boost your muscle biomechanics understanding and improve targeted training techniques.

Comparison of Electromyographic Activity of the Superior and Inferior Portions of the Gluteus Maximus Muscle During Common Therapeutic Exercises
Discover the differences in muscle activity when performing typical exercises for the gluteus maximus. A comprehensive analysis comparing the superior and inferior portions of the muscle.