Pain relief exercises, causes and treatments for neck pain, and tips for better posture - all geared towards helping you alleviate neck discomfort.

Altered Neuromuscular Activity of the Serratus Anterior in Individuals with Neck Pain
Discover the link between neck pain and the serratus anterior muscle activity in this informative article. Find out more about altered neuromuscular activity and its potential effects on your physical health.

Cervical Flexion Training Improves Amplitude and Activation Timing of Deep Cervical Flexors
This article explores how cervical flexion training enhances the strength and activation timing of deep cervical flexors, aiding in the treatment of neck pain and injury.

Cervical Mobilizations Improve Deep Cervical Flexor Activity in Individuals With Chronic Neck Pain
Discover how cervical mobilizations can alleviate chronic neck pain by increasing deep cervical flexor activity. Read our latest article for more information.

Cervicogenic Headaches - Research Review and Integrated Treatment Approach
Learn about the latest research on cervicogenic headaches and discover an integrated treatment approach for effective relief. Find out more now.

Correcting Forward Head Posture affects Lumbosacral Radiculopathy
"Learn how correcting forward head posture can relieve the pain associated with lumbosacral radiculopathy. Explore its causes, symptoms, and treatments here."

Craniocervical Flexion Test Yields Decreased Deep Cervical Flexor Activity in Chronic Neck Pain Patients
Discover how the Craniocervical Flexion Test helps identify the root cause of chronic neck pain. This test shows decreased cervical flexor activity in patients with neck pain.

Deep Neck Flexor Inhibition Occurs in Individuals with Chronic Neck Pain
"Discover how deep neck flexor inhibition is linked to chronic neck pain, and learn the importance of proper neck muscle activation in preventing discomfort."

Psychosocial, Physical, and Neurophysiological Risk Factors for Chronic Neck Pain: A Prospective Inception Cohort Study
This article explores the risk factors associated with chronic neck pain from a prospective inception cohort study. Discover psychosocial, physical, and neurophysiological factors that contribute to this debilitating condition.

Relationship of Forward Head Posture and Cervical Backward Bending to Neck Pain
Discover the connection between forward head posture and cervical backward bending to neck pain. Read about the findings of a recent study in this informative article.

Roentgenographic Findings in the Cervical Spine in Asymptomatic Persons
Learn about the findings of cervical spine x-rays in people who have no symptoms. This article examines the prevalence of abnormalities and what they can mean.

Typing, the Trapezius and Neck Pain
Learn how typing affects your trapezius and neck muscles, leading to pain and discomfort. Discover tips and exercises to prevent and alleviate pain.