Upper Body
Discover effective ways to strengthen and tone your upper body with our collection of articles. From arm workouts to chest exercises, we've got you covered.

Activation of Shoulder Musculature During Upper Extremity Weight Bearing Exercises
Discover how your shoulder muscles activate during weight-bearing exercises. Improve your upper extremity strength and overall fitness with these insights.

Alterations in Scapular Kinematics with Distal Radius Fracture
"Learn how a distal radius fracture can affect scapular kinematics and cause discomfort in the shoulder. Explore treatment options and prevention tips in this informative article."

Altered Neuromuscular Activity of the Serratus Anterior in Individuals with Neck Pain
Discover the link between neck pain and the serratus anterior muscle activity in this informative article. Find out more about altered neuromuscular activity and its potential effects on your physical health.

Altered Scapular Kinematics and Muscle Recruitment in Overhead Workers with Impingement Syndrome
Learn about the altered scapular kinematics & muscle recruitment in overhead workers with impingement syndrome. Understand how this affects shoulder function.

Altered glenohumeral kinematics in individuals with shoulder pain
Discover how altered glenohumeral kinematics can contribute to shoulder pain. Read about the causes and treatment options in this informative article.

Altered trapezius recruitment pattern in individuals with subacromial impingement
Read about the altered trapezius recruitment pattern in patients with subacromial impingement, and understand how it can lead to shoulder pain and dysfunction.

Comparing Upper and Lower Serratus Anterior Activation in Different Manual Muscle Testing Positions
Explore upper vs. lower serratus anterior activation in different positions. Boost your muscle biomechanics understanding and improve targeted training techniques.

Comparison of 3-dimensional Shoulder Complex Kinematics in Individuals with and without Shoulder Pain
Discover the differences in 3D shoulder kinematics between those with and without shoulder pain. Learn about the study findings and their implications.

Comparison of Muscle Activity of the Lower Trapezius and Serratus Anterior Muscles during Various Arm Elevation Exercises
Discover the best exercises for activating your lower trapezius and serratus anterior muscles in this comprehensive comparison study. Improve your workout routine and prevent injury with these insights.

Does Load Influence Shoulder Muscle Recruitment Patterns During Scapular Plane Abduction?
Explore the impact of load on shoulder muscles during Scapular Plane Abduction. Learn how muscle recruitment patterns are influenced and gain insights into injury prevention and exercise prescription.

Effects of Muscle Fatigue on 3-Dimensional Scapular Kinematics
Learn about the impact of muscle fatigue on the three-dimensional movement of the shoulder blade. Read our article on the effects of muscle fatigue on scapular kinematics.

Evidence of Altered Reciprocal Inhibition associated with Latent Myofascial Trigger Points
Discover the latest findings on altered reciprocal inhibition and latent myofascial trigger points in this informative article. Learn about the evidence and its implications for treatment.

Force transmission through thoracolumbar fascia with passive and active motion of latissimus dorsi
Learn how the thoracolumbar fascia transmits force with passive and active motion of the latissimus dorsi muscle. Discover the implications for sports injuries and rehabilitation.

Glenohumeral Osteoarthritis and Frozen Shoulder Alters Scapular Kinematics
Learn about the effects of Glenohumeral Osteoarthritis and Frozen Shoulder on Scapular Kinematics. Understand how these conditions affect mobility and function.

Head and Shoulder Posture Affect Scapular Mechanics and Muscle Activity in Overhead Tasks
This article explores how head and shoulder posture can impact scapular mechanics and muscle activity during overhead tasks, providing insights into strategies for preventing injury and improving performance.

Immediate Effects of Posterior Glenohumeral Mobilizations on Internal Rotation Range of Motion
Learn how posterior glenohumeral mobilizations can help improve your internal rotation range of motion quickly. Read our article for immediate effects.

In-vivo Measurements of Force and Humeral Movement During Inferior Glenohumeral Mobilizations
Discover how in-vivo measurements of force and humeral movement during inferior glenohumeral mobilizations shed light on shoulder joint pathology and treatment.

Incidence of Common Postural Abnormalities in the Cervical, Shoulder, and Thoracic Regions and Their Association with Pain in Two Age Groups of Healthy Subjects
This article examines the prevalence of postural abnormalities in the neck, shoulders, and upper back, and their correlation with pain in healthy subjects. Findings revealed higher incidence and correlation in older age group.

Increased Serratus Anterior Activation During Wall Slides and Scaption
Discover how performing wall slides and scaption exercises can increase your serratus anterior activation and improve your shoulder function.

Muscle Activity of Upper Trapezius and Serratus Anterior Change with Forward Head Posture Correction
This article discusses how correcting forward head posture affects the muscle activity of the upper trapezius and serratus anterior, providing valuable insights for improving posture.

Pain may alter recruitment patterns of shoulder musculature
Discover how pain can alter shoulder musculature recruitment patterns and affect muscle balance. Learn how to mitigate these effects for optimal shoulder health.

Reliability and Diagnostic Accuracy of 5 Physical Examination Tests and Combination of Tests for Subacromial Impingement
Discover the reliability and diagnostic accuracy of 5 Physical Examination Tests and Combination of Tests for Subacromial Impingement. Don't miss out on this essential resource for anyone seeking to improve their diagnostic skills in the field.

Scapular Kinematics and Shoulder Abduction in a Traditional Push Up
This article explores the relationship between scapular kinematics and shoulder abduction during traditional push-ups. Find out how these factors impact your workout and overall shoulder health.

Scapular Muscle Performance and Lateral Epicondylagia
Learn about the link between scapular muscle performance and lateral epicondylagia, commonly known as tennis elbow. Discover ways to improve your performance and prevent injury.

Short-Term Effects of Lower Thoracic Manipulation on Lower Trapezius Muscle Strength
Discover how lower thoracic manipulation can affect lower trapezius muscle strength in the short-term. Read on to learn more about the potential benefits and limitations.

Testing Clusters Used to Identify Rotator Cuff Tears in Individuals with Subacromial Impingement
Learn how testing clusters are used to identify rotator cuff tears in individuals suffering from subacromial impingement. Discover the latest techniques and therapies.

The Effect of Kinesiology Tape on Subacromial Impingement Syndrome
Discover how kinesiology tape can help alleviate subacromial impingement syndrome pain and improve range of motion. Learn about the science behind this effective technique.

The Effect of Stretching and Strengthening Exercises on Three-Dimensional Scapular Kinematics
Discover the impact of both stretching and strengthening exercises on scapular movement. Find out how implementing these tools can improve shoulder control in a 3D space.

The Link Between Kyphosis and Subacromial Impingement Syndrome
Discover the connection between Kyphosis and Subacromial Impingement Syndrome. Read on to know why poor posture can lead to shoulder pain and struggle with movements.

Timing of Rotator Cuff Muscle Activation in Throwers With Pain
Learn about the timing of rotator cuff muscle activation in throwers with pain and how it can impact performance and injury prevention. Get insights from the latest research in this informative article.

Upper Extremity Kinematics Impacted by Scapula Muscle Fatigue
This article explores the effects of scapula muscle fatigue on upper extremity kinematics. Discover how this condition can impact your daily activities.

What are the best exercises to promote scapular muscle balance?
Discover the top exercises that can help you maintain a balanced scapular muscle function. Read on to find out the best techniques for a healthier you!