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Strength and Athletic Performance

Discover the secrets to unlocking your maximum strength and athletic performance with our expert articles. Gain insights into training techniques, nutrition, and mindset to take your performance to the next level.

Are Olympic Lifts the Best Choice for Power Development?

Are Olympic Lifts the Best Choice for Power Development?

Discover the advantages and disadvantages of Olympic lifts for power development in this in-depth article. Make the right choices for your training regimen!

Circuit Training for Hypertrophy, Strength, and Power?

Circuit Training for Hypertrophy, Strength, and Power?

Discover how circuit training can help you achieve muscle hypertrophy, strength, and power in just a few weeks. Read more to find out the best circuits for your fitness goals!

Is 3 Sets per Muscle Group the Upper Limit?

Is 3 Sets per Muscle Group the Upper Limit?

Should I do 3 sets or 4 sets for hypertrophy? Is 4 sets to failure too much? Will 3 sets or 5 sets result in larger improvements in strength? - Research has provided a relatively clear answer to these questions.

Optimal Rest Between Sets is NOT Determined by Goal or Load

Optimal Rest Between Sets is NOT Determined by Goal or Load

Learn why the optimal rest between sets is not based on your goal or load. Discover the science behind optimizing your workout to maximize results.

Squat Depth Recommendations

Squat Depth Recommendations

"Squat deep" is probably the most over-rated cue in the history of fitness and performance training! "Ass to Grass" has become the battle cry of every self-proclaimed "strength coach", but research does not imply this is ideal for everyone. What is the evidence-based recommendation for squat range of motion?

Squat Foot Placement: Unique Hip Anatomy and Squat Form

Squat Foot Placement: Unique Hip Anatomy and Squat Form

Learn the importance of proper squat foot placement for unique hip anatomy and optimal squat form. Improve your technique and avoid injury with these tips.

Stop Calling Deadlifts a Back Exercise

Stop Calling Deadlifts a Back Exercise

Stop calling deadlifts a "back exercise." Your traps, deltoids, and lats have NEVER contributed to hip extension. Mislabeling deadlifts affects whether this exercise should be programmed on a lower-body day or upper-body day, and the wrong choice could be costing you gains.

The Ultimate Glute Bridge (Hip Thrust) and Additional Evidence-based Bridge Progressions

The Ultimate Glute Bridge (Hip Thrust) and Additional Evidence-based Bridge Progressions

Boost athletic performance and glute strength with the Ultimate Glute Bridge (Hip Thrust) and science-backed progressions. Get fit now!

Wobbly Lunges and the Evidence for Unstable Loads

Wobbly Lunges and the Evidence for Unstable Loads

Discover the science behind wobbly lunges and how they can improve your strength training. Learn how unstable loads can challenge your body in new ways.