Predictors of Hip Internal Rotation During Running:
An Evaluation of Hip Strength and Femoral Structure in Women with and without Patellofemoral Pain
By Tristan J. Rodik, ATC, MA
Edited by Brent Brookbush, DPT, PT, COMT, MS, PES, CES, CSCS, H/FS
Original Citation: Souza, R. B. & Powers, C. M. (2009) An evaluation of hip strength and femoral structure in women with and without patellofemoral pain. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 37(3), 579-587. doi: 10.1177/0363546508326711 - ARTICLE
Why the study is relevant: Patellofemoral pain (PFP) has been correlated with lower extremity malalignment including excessive hip internal rotation and adduction (6, 8, 9). This malalignment may contribute to an increase in local compressive forces within the joint (7). Abnormal femoral structure and relative weakness of hip abductor/extenors may contribute to altered alignment in those exhibiting PFP (4, 6, 8) This 2009 study investigated the contribution of hip-muscle strength and femoral structure to internal rotation during running in woman with PFP. This study suggest that excessive internal rotation during running is strongly correlated with a decrease in gluteus medius and gluteus maximus strength and endurance, and that femur morphology is not strongly correlated.

3 Images of "Functional Knee Valgus" - Excessive adduction and internal rotation of the hip.
Study Summary
Study Design | Cross-sectional study |
Level of Evidence | III - evidence from non-experimental descriptive studies, such as comparative studies, correlation studies and case-control studies. |
Subject Characteristics | Sample: Demographics:
Inclusion Criteria: Patellofemoral (PFP) Group:
Exclusion Criteria (PFP Group):
Inclusion Criteria (Control Group):
Exclusion Criteria (Control Group):
Methodology | Groups
Kinematic Evaluation:
Hip Muscle Performance Testing:
MRI Testing:
Data Collection and Analysis |
Results | Hip Kinematics When Running
Hip Muscle Performance Testing (measured in Nm/kg)
Femoral Structure
Hip Internal Rotation Predictors When Running
Our Conclusions | This study suggest that a decrease in gluteus medius and gluteus maximus strength and endurance are correlated with excessive internal rotation during running. |
Researchers' Conclusions | Correlation analysis revealed that 3 variables were significantly associated with average hip internal rotation (during running):

Dr. Brookbush performing a Manual Muscle Test for Gluteus Maximus on a patient.
Review & Commentary
Prior research on individuals with patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFP) have investigated isometric strength of hip musculature, but these studies did not investigate isokinetic strength, isotonic strength, femur morphology, or correlation with excessive internal rotation during running (1, 2, 6, 10). The additional variables allowed for correlation analysis and a better understanding of factors contributing to, or resulting from PFP.
The study had many methodological strengths, including:
- The use of isometric, isokinetic and isotonic muscle strength testing provides a more detailed account of the changes in muscle function related to PFP.
- Measuring hip kinematics while running, hip muscle performance and femoral alignment in a single study allowed these factors to be compared for correlation analysis.
- Using MRI (despite costs) to evaluate femoral inclination and anteversion angles provides strong evidence; MRI is the gold standard for measuring these angles. Note: their was a small but significant difference between groups for femoral inclination; however, the correlation between inclination and excessive internal rotation during running was weak. There was no difference in anteversion between groups.
Weaknesses and limitations:
- All participants were young, active females, which may limit the generalizability of the findings.
- Pre-testing activity was not dictated to participants, or not noted in the study's methodology; prior activity may have an impact on strength testing.
- The use of isokinetic equipment for many of the tests makes applying methodology in practice challenging; however, it is possible to evaluate the same issues using standard clinical tests.
Why This Study is Important:
This study adds to a growing body of research investigating the altered movement patterns associated with patellofemoral pain (PFP). It is likely that the most important contribution of this study is the combined investigation of multiple strength variables, kinematics during and femur morphometry, allowing for correlation. The variables with the highest correlation (hip extension and single leg stance strength and endurance) should be the subject of more detailed investigation, and a prospective study on an intervention based on this data should be the subject future research.
How the Findings Apply to Practice:
This study suggests that hip extension strength and endurance should be assessed in those individuals with complaints associated with PFP. Further, hip extension strength and endurance, specifically eccentric strength may be important components of any program designed to address knee pain. This adds to the significant amount of research suggesting that hip abductor and external rotator strength may aid in optimizing lower extremity mechanics. Last, this study suggests that morphometry should not be used as excuse or explanation for a patient/clients PFP symptoms.
How Does it Relate to Brookbush Institute Content?
This study is congruent with the Brookbush Institute's (BI's) predictive models of Lower Extremity Dysfunction (LED) and Lumbo Pelvic Hip Complex Dysfunction (LPHCD) , both being correlated with knee pain or contributing to knee pain, and both recommending activation, integration and strengthening of the gluteus medius and gluteus maximus . A more subtle finding of this study is the small but significant difference in femur morphormetry that could not be strongly correlated with movement impairment (excessive hip internal rotation during running). The BI has continued to promote movement assessment, corrective exercise, and an integrated movement impairment approach to optimize motion in an attempt to reduce the risk of future injury. Their are a group of individuals who oppose this approach, claiming unique morphometry is the reason for individual differences in motion prior to any injury. The most popular focus of this argument is the position of the feet and knees during squatting. Due to the relatively small number of individuals exhibiting structural differences (< 7%) (12-13), and studies like this showing that small differences in morphometry do not matter, it would appear that the "anti-corrective exercise before injury" group cannot use unique morphometry to support their argument.
Below is a sampling of videos related to the findings in this study:
Gluteus Maxmimus Manual Muscle Testing
Isolated Gluteus Maximus Activation
Gluteus Maximus Activation Progression
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© 2017 Brent Brookbush
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