Research Review: Modified Thomas Test is Not a Valid Indicator of Hip Extension unless Pelvic Tilt is Controlled
By Nicholas Rolnick SPT, MS, CSCS
Edited by Brent Brookbush DPT, PT, COMT, MS, PES, CES, CSCS, ACSM H/FS
Original Citation: Vigotosky AD, Lehman GJ, Beardsley C, et al. (2016). The modified Thomas test is not a valid measure of hip extension unless pelvic tilt is controlled. PeerJ. 4:e2325; DOI 10.7717/peerj.2325. ARTICLE.
Why is this relevant?: The Modified Thomas Test (MTT) is a commonly used assessment to determine hip extension range of motion. In the MTT, the client is positioned supine at the edge of the table, maximally flexing one leg while allowing the tested leg to passively hang off the table. A positive MTT occurs when the femur/leg cannot reach parallel with the table, indicating the presence of a restriction in hip flexion. Despite the common use of this assessment, not much research has been done to determine the assessments validity. The authors of the current study sought to determine the criterion validity of the MTT using two-dimensional sagittal plane motion capture.

Modified Thomas Test as performed in the current study -
Study Summary
Study Design | Observational Study |
Level of Evidence | IIA: Evidence from at least one controlled study without randomization |
Subject Demographics |
Outcome Measures |
Results | Bland-Altman Plot and correlations
Angle of the thigh relative to the horizontal (the traditional measurement standard) was moderately correlated (0.50) with true hip extension angle. These differences between the true hip extension angle and the traditional measurement could not be explained solely by hip flexion range of motion (r - 0.11) or waist/thigh circumference (r = -0.12). The degree of pelvic tilt was strongly associated with the difference between true hip extension angle and the MTT (r = 0.98). Validity
Conclusions | The MTT is not a valid measurement of hip extension unless lumbopelvic motion is controlled, as the test exhibits poor sensitivity (31.82%), specificity (57.14%), and criterion reference validity (using sagittal plane motion capture). |
Conclusions of the Researchers | The MTT can be a reliable assessment tool for assessment of hip extension range of motion if pelvic tilt is controlled. Pelvic motion can be accounted for by application of a blood pressure cuff underneath the low back inflated to 60 mm Hg. |

The Modified Thomas Test, as performed by the Brookbush Institute. Note: the patient is cued to pull the leg toward the chest until the lumbar spine is "flat" in an attempt to control the amount of pelvic rotation.
The current study exhibited several strengths in its methodology. Criterion validity of the Modified Thomas Test (MTT) has not been previously explored in the literature. The authors devised a novel way to measure hip extension angle, ensuring the thigh was measured relative to the hip, rather than the thigh relative to the plinth which as has been used in previous studies. This modification minimized the influence of other factors (such as thigh girth or excessive waist circumference) on true hip extension angle. Further, the authors were thorough in their analysis of the data. After the data was analyzed for validity, the authors ran the data again accounting for pelvic motion. In doing so, the authors concluded that pelvic motion alone could explain the variance observed between the test results and the participant's "true" hip extension range of motion. This implies that if the practitioner can control the degree of pelvic motion during the assessment, hip extension range of motion could be reliably determined. The authors suggested simple techniques to minimize pelvic motion during assessment, including placement of a blood pressure cuff underneath the small of the back or use of palpation to control the degree of pelvic tilt. Future studies are needed to assess technique validity.
The study also had a few weaknesses that should be mentioned prior to application in practice. The participant position used for MTT in this study does not necessarily depict true hip extension range of motion (as described above). Further, factors including muscle guarding, the ability of a client/patient to comfortably get into the test position, and even restrictive clothing can affect test outcomes, and were not mentioned in this study. Caution should be taken when using the MTT as the sole assessment tool to determine hip extension range of motion. Other useful assessment techniques include Ober's test , Ely's test and hip extension goniometry . Additionally, as the participants in the current study were healthy, asymptomatic individuals, care must be taken in applying study findings to injured or "at risk" populations.
Why is this study important?
The movement toward evidence-based practice and emphasis on research, has highlighted the rather poor validity and reliability of some of the commonly used assessments in rehab, performance and fitness settings. It is important that research is continued to examine the reliability and validity of commonly used assessments so that assessment techniques may be optimized. The MTT is designed to determine hip extension range of motion, but limited research has been published about its validity (assessment results match the variable measured). The current study concluded that the MTT exhibits poor sensitivity, specificity, and criterion reference validity, unless pelvic tilt is controlled. Future studies should seek to validate protocols for controlling pelvic motion (such as a blood pressure cuff underneath the low back).
How does it affect practice?
The current study suggests that the Modified Thomas Test (MTT) is not a valid assessment of hip extension range of motion unless lumbopelvic motion is controlled. Practitioners should make an effort to control lumbopelvic motion when performing MMT (as is performed by the Brookbush Institute - Modified Thomas Test ), and cluster results with additional hip extension assessments, for example inclusion of the Ober's test , Ely's test and hip extension goniometry .
How does it relate to Brookbush Institute Content?
Overhead squat assessment (OHSA) compensations "excessive forward lean " and "anterior pelvic tilt " indicate potential over-activity of the hip flexor musculature (iliacus and psoas ). The MTT is indicated to determine the relative contribution of these muscles to the postural dysfunctions observed in the OHSA. The Brookbush Institute performs the MTT differently than described in the current study, with the client supine and the tested leg resting on the table (rather than hanging off of it). To control lumbopelvic motion, the practitioner places one hand underneath the curve of the lower back, and instructs the client to pull the knee towards the chest to induce a posterior pelvic tilt until the lumbar spine is "flat". If iliacus and psoas are at optimal length, the other leg should remain on the table with toes pointing up. If any change occurs in the resting position of the tested leg, the implies that the psoas and/or iliacus are short/over-active.
In accordance with the approach of the Brookbush Institute in addressing signs of movement dysfunction/impairment, over-active psoas and iliacus may be released (by a licensed manual therapist, as self-administered release is contraindicated) and stretched , followed by activation and integration of the transverse abdominis , gluteus maximus , and gluteus medius . Other interventions to improve hip extension range of motion include hip mobilizations and kinesiotape application to facilitate gluteus maximus activation .
The following videos include the Modified Thomas Test (MTT) assessment (as performed by the Brookbush Institute), as well as common approaches to improving hip extension flexibility deficits.
Brookbush Institute Videos
Modified Thomas Test Assessment
Psoas and Iliacus Manual Release
Static Hip Flexor Stretch
Transverse Abdominis Isolated Activation
Gluteus Medius Isolated Activation
Gluteus Maximus Isolated Activation
SA Banded Hip Mobilizations
Gluteus Maximus Activation Taping
© 2016 Brent Brookbush
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