Research Review: Kettlebell Swings and Romanian Deadlifts Preferentially Target Semitendinosus over Biceps Femoris
By Nicholas Rolnick SPT, MS, CSCS
Edited by Brent Brookbush DPT, PT, COMT, MS, PES, CES, CSCS, ACSM H/FS
Original Citation: Zebis MK, Skotte J, Andersen CH, et al. (2013). Kettlebell swing targets semitendinosus and supine leg curl targets biceps femoris: an EMG study with rehabilitation implications. Br J Sports Med. 47: 1192-1198. - ABSTRACT
Why the Study is Relevant: This 2011 study by Danish researchers investigated the recruitment patterns of the hamstrings (biceps femoris - BF and semitendinosus/semimembranosus -ST/SM ) as well as hip and knee joint kinematics during 14 commonly recommended exercises. In those exhibiting postural dysfunction/movement impairment, the ST/SM are commonly under-active, whereas BF is commonly overactive; predisposing the knee joint to excessive valgus force and increased risk of anterior cruciate ligament injury (1-3). The findings suggest that exercises such as kettlebell swings and Romanian deadlifts, which target the ST/SM over the BF , may be useful in injury prevention and rehabilitation programs.

Kettlebell swings preferentially recruit semitendinosus over biceps femoris.
Study Summary
Study Design | Repeated Measures Design |
Level of Evidence | III Evidence from non-experimental descriptive studies, such as comparative studies, correlation studies, and case-control studies |
Subject Demographics |
Outcome Measures | |
Results |
Post-hoc analysis:
Knee and hip angles at peak nEMG: |
Conclusions | Kettlebell swings and romanian deadlift preferentially activate ST over BF, whereas hyperextensions off the table and supine single leg curls preferentially activate BF over ST. |
Conclusions of the Researchers | Specific therapeutic exercises preferentially activate different hamstring muscles . These varied recruitment patterns can have important implications for injury prevention training and rehabilitation. |

The variation to the Romanian Deadlift that the Brookbush Institute recommends in place of the Romanian Deadlift in a strength and conditioning program.
Review & Commentary:
The purpose of this study was to investigate hamstring muscle recruitment patterns and hip and knee kinematics in commonly used strength and rehabilitation exercises in elite female athletes. The authors sought to determine appropriate exercise selection for prophylaxis (injury prevention) and rehabilitation purposes based on the normalized electromyography (EMG) results. The results of the current study have potentially important implications for hamstring strengthening programs.
The study had many methodological strengths, including:
- The experimental protocol was clearly described, using appropriate exclusion criteria, and detailed descriptions and images of all the exercises were included.
- Comprehensive data sets showed the results, reducing reporting bias.
- The kinematics of the hip and knee were measured in each exercise, to investigate whether changes in kinematics influence peak muscle recruitment patterns. These findings may have clinical significance in programming for individuals with overactive hamstring musculature.
- The exercises used in the study are commonly performed in fitness and rehabilitation programs to reduce the risk of, or recover from, anterior cruciate ligament and hamstring tears; this choice increases the ease of application for the study's findings.
Weaknesses that should be noted prior to clinical integration of the findings include:
- Elite, young, female athletes with no histories of significant lower extremity pathologies were used as subjects. Future studies should include a more heterogenous sample size.
- The two exercises that produced the highest normalized EMG activity of ST required external load. It's unclear whether the results were due to the additional external loading or the demands of the movements. Future studies should address whether a similar pattern of hamstring activity would be observed in the absence of external loads.
- Using surface EMGs makes it challenging to evaluate small differences in muscle activities between exercises. Future studies should include fine-wire EMGs, which could better elucidate the changes observed in hamstring muscle activity.
- The study was confined to a one-day testing period. It's unclear whether longer term performance of the ST - or BF-dominant exercises will lead to changes in relative strength or reduce injury risk. Longitudinal data is needed.
Why is this study important?
The current study indicates that the biceps femoris - BF and semitendinosus/semimembranosus -ST/SM can be selectively recruited during various exercises commonly used in rehab, fitness and performance settings. Preferentially targeting ST over BF could theoretically reduce knee valgus during functional tasks.
How does it affect practice?
Specific exercises can be classified as either ST or BF dominant. Kettlebell swings and Romanian deadlift specifically targets ST , and at intensity levels high enough to stimulate muscle gains. The preferential firing of ST over BF in these exercises may be due to ST anatomy. This muscle is composed of long, parallel muscle fibers with a high number of sarcomeres in series. The higher number of sarcomers in series of the ST increases its total shortening capacity and absolute velocity of contraction, allowing it to shorten more effectively at long muscle lengths than the BF . Both ST -dominant exercises require a large range of motion, which could explain the increased recruitment of ST over BF . The authors recommend kettlebell swings and Romanian deadlift to enhance ST 's ability to forcefully contract from large angles of hip flexion. For training purposes, the kettlebell swing may provide the most transfer to sport, as this has a larger power component than the Romanian deadlift , due to the high-velocity component.
The supine leg curl and hip hyperextensions were found to be the most BF -dominant exercise. Isolated use of these exercises, without incorporating other ST -dominant exercises, have the potential to reinforce postural dysfunction (Lower Extremity Dysfunction , Lumbo Pelvic Hip Complex Dysfunction ). These exercises should be performed in moderation (if performed at all), and likely only when balanced by exercises targeting muscles that have a propensity toward under-activity.
An alternative exercise to strengthen the BF that could be performed instead of hip hyper-extension or supine leg curls is the Nordic hamstring curl (4). While the Nordic hamstring curl was shown to activate both ST and BF equally, the eccentric component makes it a desirable exercise for BF hamstring strain injury prevention.
Many exercises activated both BF and ST equally, and were proclaimed by the authors as "universal hamstring exercises." These plyometric-type exercises may be important to incorporate when trying to modify existing motor programs, such as reducing dynamic knee valgus. Kinematic analysis of the hip and knee and EMG data reveal that ST peaked earlier in the landing phase in the one-leg drop jump and the one-leg jump onto balance mat, whereas BF peaked later. This finding suggests that the medial compartment provides a protective contraction as a dynamic restraint against valgus forces.
How does it relate to Brookbush Institute Content?
ST has a propensity to become long/under-active in those exhibiting lumbopelvic hip complex dysfunction (LPHCD) , sacroiliac joint dysfunction (SIJD) , and lower leg dysfunction (LLD) ; where as the BF commonly adopts a pattern of long/overactive. In all models of postural dysfunction, activating and integrating under-active musculature is indicated to restore optimal length/tension relationships, better joint alignment, and promote increases in movement quality.
The Brookbush Institute (BI) uses variations of both kettlebell swings and Romanian deadlift exercises as advanced progressions in a fitness, strength and performance programs.
Kettlebell swings are used primarily for development of power (muscle force/time) in a max strength/power program. Based on the results of the current study, kettlebell swings can be used as an advanced "integration" exercise for under-active medial hamstrings without increasing the relative activity of BF . The BI recommends performing 2-handed kettlebell swings for sets of 8-12 repetitions, in a similar set-up to the variation performed in the current study. Once 2-handed swings are mastered, 1-handed swings can be introduced, as this progression increases the rotational forces on the spine, requiring additional lumbopelvic stabilization.
A Brookbush Institute preferred progression from the traditional Romanian deadlifts , is the deadlift with an anterior-posterior pull) to facilitate recruitment of the gluteal complex (also typically under-active in postural dysfunction along with the posterior oblique subsystem ), stimulate more gluteal complex hypertrophy and improve neuromuscular control.
Other progressions of the kettlebell swing and the deadlift variants can be viewed in detail in the course Deadlift Progression .
The following videos depict some of the exercises performed in the current study as well as advanced BI-specific progressions.
Brookbush Institute Videos
Kettlebell Swings
Kettle Bell Clean (Progression of Kettlebell Swings)
Romanian Deadlift
Single Leg Touchdown
Deadlift with Anterior to Posterior Pull
Single Leg Deadlift with Anterior to Posterior Pull
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© 2016 Brent Brookbush
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