Static Manual Release: Hip Internal Rotators - TFL, Gluteus Minimus, Vastus Lateralis and Anterior Adductors
Manual release techniques for the commonly overactive muscles of the internal rotators of the hip. Soft tissue release techniques for the tensor fascia latae (TFL), gluteus minimus, adductor longus, adductor brevis, adductor magnus, pectineus, and gracilis (anterior adductors), and vastus lateralis (hip internal rotators). Advanced soft tissue, massage, trigger point palpation, and mobilization techniques to inhibit antagonists. The reliability and validity of manual release techniques for knees bow in, excessive forward lean, asymmetrical weight shift, knee pain, hip pain, and lumbopelvic hip complex dysfunction.
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Course Description: Hip Internal Rotator Static Manual Release
This course describes static manual release techniques for hip internal rotator muscles that are commonly assessed as over-active and prone to trigger point development. Unfortunately, it is easy to be confused by a large number of synonyms for these terms. For example, the techniques described in this course could be considered refinements of massage therapy techniques, deep tissue massage, sports massage, medical massage, trigger point therapy, static compression techniques, soft tissue mobilization, muscle inhibitory techniques, and manual therapy techniques. Even the term trigger point is referred to by a variety of synonyms including muscle knots, nodules, adhesions, over-active muscle fibers, hypertonic fascicles, spasms, and acute points of hyper-contractility, and the trigger point phenomenon is likely part of every reference to short muscles, tight muscles, "locked" muscles, stiff muscles, muscle strains, muscle spasm, etc. Part of the reason there are so many synonyms is the rich history of scientific inquiry, from multiple disciplines and cultures, that have contributed to our understanding of these techniques and the information in this course.
This course includes techniques for the tensor fascia latae, gluteus minimus, vastus lateralis, and anterior adductors. Release techniques for these muscles are commonly included in an integrated program designed to address knee pain including patellar femoral pain syndrome (PFPS), anterior hip joint pain, leg pain (groin or lateral thigh), lower back pain, and sacroiliac joint dysfunction. These techniques may also aid in addressing movement impairments correlated with lumbopelvic hip complex and lower extremity dysfunction including knee valgus, anterior pelvic tilt, excessive forward lean, a loss of hip mobility (restricted hip rotation), and ankle dysfunction (ankle impingement, pronation, etc.).
The techniques in this course are recommended for all clinical human movement professionals (physical therapists, physical therapy assistants, athletic trainers, massage therapists, chiropractors, occupational therapists, etc.) with the intent of developing an evidence-based, systematic, integrated, patient-centered, and outcome-driven approach.
Techniques Covered in this Course:
- Tensor Fascia Latae and Gluteus Minimus Static Manual Release
- Vastus Lateralis Static Manual Release
- Anterior Adductors Static Manual Release
Additional Static Manual Release Courses
- Static Manual Release: Upper Trapezius, Levator Scapulae and Splenii
- Static Manual Release: Suboccipitals, Sternocleidomastoid (SCM), Scalenes and Cervical Extensors
- Static Manual Release: Scapular Muscles
- Static Manual Release: Shoulder Muscles
- Static Manual Release: Trunk Muscles
- Static Manual Release: Hip Flexors
- Static Manual Release: Hip Internal Rotators
- Static Manual Release: Hip External Rotators
- Static Manual Release: Tibia External Rotators
- Static Manual Release: Lower Leg Muscles
For a review of muscle fiber dysfunction and trigger point etiology:
Pre-approved credits for:
Pre-approved for Continuing Education Credits for:
- Athletic Trainers
- Chiropractors
- Massage Therapists
- Occupational Therapists - Advanced
- Physical Therapists
- Physical Therapy Assistants
This Course Includes:
- AI Tutor
- Study Guide
- Text and Illustrations
- Audio Voice-over
- Research Review
- Technique Videos
- Case Study and Sample Routine
- Practice Exam
- Pre-approved Final Exam
Course Study Guide: Static Manual Release: Hip Internal Rotators - TFL, Gluteus Minimus, Vastus Lateralis and Anterior Adductors
Introduction1 Sub Section
Research Corner3 Sub Sections
Videos3 Sub Sections
Sample Intervention: Femoral acetabular impingement (FAI)
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