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Glossary Term

Corrective Exercise

Corrective exercisers are self-administered exercises that are recommended with the intent to address an assessed movement impairment and improve the quality of motion. Corrective exercise may also be referred to as therapeutic exercise and/or rehabilitation exercise (or specific exercise when compared to general strengthening). Corrective exercise is commonly included in corrective exercise programs, movement preparation warm-ups, home exercise programs (self-management programs), and supervised physical rehabilitation programs

Corrective Exercise: Self-administered exercises that are recommended with the intent to address an assessed movement impairment and improve the quality of motion. Corrective exercise may also be referred to as therapeutic exercise and/or rehabilitation exercise (or specific exercise when compared to general strengthening). Corrective exercise is commonly included in corrective exercise programs, movement preparation warm-ups, home exercise programs (self-management programs), and supervised physical rehabilitation programs.Specific techniques may address muscle imbalance (altered length, overactive, underactive, hypertonicity, hypotonicity), joint stiffness,mobility ,osteokinematic orarthrokinematic alignment, altered movement patterns, posture , and/or functional movement.

To further refine our definition, corrective exercise is NOT lunges, pull-ups, bench press, squats or other compound exercises performed with the intent to improve strength, fitness, or sports performance. Further, massage therapy, manual trigger point  release , instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization, joint mobilzations, joint manipulations, and other manual techniques that a client or patient cannot perform on themselves are NOT corrective exercises. Our definition of corrective exercise is purposefully written to exclude specific techniques to enhance general strength, fitness, sports performance, and all manual techniques. That does not imply these exercises and techniques are of lesser quality, they simply belong to different categories of beneficial techniques.




  1. Therapeutic exercise
  2. Movement Preparation
  3. Neuromuscular Reeducation
  4. Rehabilitation Exercise