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Glossary Term

Stretch Shortening Cycle (SSC)

A successive combination of eccentric and concentric action; resulting in more power generated during the concentric action than would be generated if the concentric action was performed alone. Research suggests high-velocity SSC contractions start with a forceful eccentric lengthening of muscle fibers while EMG activity increases, followed by a period of near isometric contraction of the activated muscle fibers while the tendon continues to lengthen, followed by shortening of both the tendon and the muscle fiber complex during the concentric contraction.

Stretch Shortening Cycle (SSC): A successive combination of eccentric and concentric action; resulting in more power  generated during the concentric action than would be generated if the concentric action was performed alone. Research suggests high-velocity SSC contractions start with a forceful eccentric lengthening of muscle  fibers while EMG activity increases, followed by a period of near isometric contraction of the activated muscle  fibers while the tendon continues to lengthen, followed by shortening of both the tendon and the muscle fiber  complex during the concentric contraction.

