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Synergists - Glossary Term Illustration

Glossary Term


Synergist muscles assist the prime mover in performing a joint action. That is, all muscles that can perform a joint action that are not the prime mover, are termed synergists. For example, the rectus abdominis is the prime mover of spinal flexion. All other muscles that can perform spinal flexion are synergists including – external obliques, internal obliques and psoas.


Synergists: Synergist muscles assist the prime mover in performing a joint action. That is, all muscles that can perform a joint action that are not the prime mover, are termed synergists. Example: The rectus abdominis is the prime mover of spinal flexion. All other muscles that can perform spinal flexion are synergists including – external obliques, internal obliques, and the psoas.


