Adductor Muscles
The hip adductor muscles include the pectineus, adductor brevis, adductor longus, adductor magnus, and gracilis. This course includes an in-depth review of anatomy and techniques for mobility and strength.
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Course Summary: Adductors
Hip Adductor Muscles:
5 Hip Adductor Muscles:
- Pectineus, adductor brevis, adductor longus, adductor magnus, and gracilis.
Introduction to Hip Adductor Muscle Anatomy:
Adductor Techniques:
- Release: Anterior Adductor Foam Rolling
- Vibration Release: Adductor Vibration Release
- Manual Release: Static Manual Release of the Anterior Adductors
- Stretch: Standing Anterior Adductors Static Stretch
- Subsystem Integration: Anterior Oblique Subsystems
Adductor Symptoms:
- Feeling of hip adductor muscle pain, tightness, and weakness are not uncommon. Generally, these feelings are the result of hip, sacroiliac joint, or lower extremity issues that should be addressed with an integrated program. For example, often adductor strength is best addressed with hip mobility techniques and gluteus medius activation exercises (Sample Program Below).
Course Summary
This course describes the anatomy and integrated function of the adductor muscles group (a.k.a. hip adductors, inner thigh muscles, medial thigh muscles, or muscles of the medial compartment of the thigh). This group is comprised of 5 muscles with much of their mass lying superficial on the medial thigh from the pubis (and ramus of ischium) to the knee, along the length of the medial femur. The adductors are a very large muscle group, comprising 22.5% of the mass of the lower extremity (the only group that may be larger is the combined mass of the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus). The available research suggests that the adductors are composed of far more Type I muscle fiber than Type II muscle fiber.
The adductor muscle group is comprised of 5 muscles: pectineus, adductors brevis, adductor longus, adductor magnus, and gracilis. Functionally, these muscles may be divided into the posterior adductor magnus with a unique set of functions, and the anterior adductors which include all of the other adductor muscles which perform similar functions. All of the adductors cross the hip, and all may contribute to hip adduction. The posterior adductor magnus will contribute to hip extension and external rotation, and the anterior adductors will contribute to hip flexion and internal rotation. The gracilis crosses the knee and may contribute to knee flexion and internal rotation (as part of the pes anserinus group). This course also describes the role of the adductors during hip arthrokinematics , fascial integration, postural dysfunction, subsystem integration , and synergistic function. For example, the anterior adductors contribute to lower extremity internal rotation and flexion in synergy with the anterior oblique subsystem which aids in rotating the kinetic chain inward, during a wood chop exercise .
Practical Application:
Sports medicine professionals (personal trainers, fitness instructors, physical therapists, massage therapists, chiropractors, occupational therapists, athletic trainers, etc.) must be aware of the integrated function of the adductors for the detailed analysis of human movement, and the development of sophisticated exercise programs and therapeutic (rehabilitation) interventions. For example, altered activity and length of the hip adductor muscles may contribute to groin pain, groin strain, hip joint impingement, low back pain, excessive knee valgus, and knee pain. Altered adductor activity may also result in a reduction in gluteus maximus and gluteus medius activity, resulting in a significant decrease in lower body speed, agility, and strength, and a reduction in the effectiveness of resistance training routines intended to improve lower body strength and hypertrophy (bodybuilding). Deeper knowledge of adductor anatomy is essential for optimal assessment, intervention selection, and building a repertoire of adductor-specific techniques.
Pre-approved credits for:
Human Movement Specialist (HMS) Certification
Pre-approved for Continuing Education Credits for:
- Athletic Trainers
- Chiropractors
- Group Exercise Instructors
- Occupational Therapists - Intermediate
- Personal Trainers
- Physical Therapists
- Physical Therapy Assistants
- Yoga Instructors
This Course Includes:
- AI Tutor
- Webinar
- Text and Illustrations
- Audio Voice-over
- Research Review
- Technique Videos
- Case Study and Sample Routine
- Practice Exam
- Pre-approved Final Exam
This course also provides detailed descriptions of etymology, attachments, innervations, joint actions, location, palpation, integrated actions, arthrokinematics, fascial integration, subsystem integration, postural dysfunction, assessment, clinical implications, and interventions.

By Anatomist90 - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Course Study Guide: Adductor Muscles
Course Summary Webinar: Functional Anatomy of the Adductors
Etymology of Terms Related to Adductors
Attachments, Innervations, Size, and Fiber Type of the Adductors
Where are the Adductors Located?
Palpating the Adductors
Joint Actions of the Adductors3 Sub Sections
Fascial Integration and the Adductors2 Sub Sections
Electromyographic (EMG) Research: Contribution of Adductors to Exercise and Motion
Electromyographic (EMG) Research: Change in Adductor Activity with Dysfunction and Pain
Movement Impairment and the Adductor Complex
Common Trigger Point Locations and Referral Pain Patterns for the Adductors
Exercises and Techniques for the Adductor Complex10 Sub Sections
Sample Intervention including Adductor Specific Techniques
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