Exercise Regression
Exercise regression: Exercise regression refers to decreasing the demand of an exercise to reduce stress. This can be accomplished by modifying several acute variables , including reps , load , tempo , set strategies , sets/exercise , and/or decreasing challenges to an individual's stability. Generally, regressions are used to decrease the demand on tissues, improve the rate of recovery, or enhance learning by decreasing the gap between the individual's current level of ability and the challenge provided by the exercise.
- Opposite Term: Exercise Prorgression
- Because acute variables, including load, reps, tempo, and complexity, are often explicitly noted, the term "exercise regression" is most often used throughout Brookbush Institute (BI) content to refer to an exercise or series of exercises that make it easier to maintain stability with good form.
- Sample Exercise Regression: Single-leg Chop to Standing Chop to Kneeling Chop
Exercise Progression and Regression Courses:
- Resistance Training
- Core
Frequently Asked Questions
Compare and contrast the exercise principles of exercise regression and recovery.
- Regression is a purposeful modification of an exercise to decrease difficulty and reduce stress on the body. This can involve reducing resistance, simplifying movement patterns, or increasing the stability of the exercise. In contrast, recovery refers to the broader physiological process of repairing and adapting to training stress. While regressions can support recovery by reducing load and movement complexity, recovery also includes factors like sleep, nutrition, and rest days.
When should I consider regressing an exercise?
Exercise regression is appropriate in several scenarios:
- Injury Recovery: Reducing exercise intensity or complexity may be essential during rehabilitation to prevent further injury or aid in recovery.
- Skill Acquisition: Simplifying movements can help improve motor control and technique by reducing the gap between someone's current ability and the challenge posed by the exercise.
- Fatigue Management: During periods of increased fatigue, regressing exercises can maintain training consistency without increasing the risk of overtraining.
- Training Beginners: Adjusting exercises to match a beginner’s ability ensures optimal skill acquisition.
Does regressing an exercise mean I’m losing progress?
- No. Regression is a tool to optimize progress, not reverse it. Optimally selected regressions help refine movement quality, improve motor control, and manage workload, all of which contribute to long-term gains. Many advanced athletes and rehab professionals use regression strategically to prevent injuries, reinforce movement patterns, and improve stability before progressing further.
Does reducing the number of sets per exercise count as a regression?
Yes. Adjusting the number of sets is a progression or regression depending on the goal:
- Decreasing the number of sets reduces training volume and is likely to result in less fatigue and tissue damage, which is often used to ensure optimal recovery.
- Increasing the number of sets increases exercise volume, which can be used for progressive overload with the intent of additional adaptation.
Is exercise regression only for beginners or rehab settings?
No. Regression is useful for all experience levels. It helps:
- Athletes refine movement mechanics and reduce injury risk.
- If fatigue is a concern (e.g., overtraining), then regression may be used to reduce risk.
- Lifters may have a de-load period to fully recover before the next phase of training.
- Individuals addressing compensation patterns may regress strength exercises to aid in performing those exercises without compensation patterns.
What is the difference between exercise regression and exercise modification?
- Regression simplifies an exercise while maintaining its intended purpose (e.g., moving from a full push-up to a kneeling push-up).
- A modification changes an exercise to suit better an individual’s needs, which may include regressions but also variations to account for injury, mobility restrictions, or personal goals (e.g., replacing barbell squats with goblet squats).